Monday, December 24, 2012

Forex Portfolio

I trade with low pip sizes spread across a large number of trades. At the time I am writing this I have 19 open trades with a current unrealized profit of a little over 3200 pips.

I've been accused of over trading on more than one occasion. But the reality is that I'm not. When I trade I view it as I would shopping for groceries. I don't sit and analyze each product to death before tossing it in the cart. Rather I look to see what's good and I toss it right in.

By keeping such a mentality, I have been able to remain highly efficient in regards to my trading time. At most I may spend 15 minutes a day scanning over the 20+ pairs I watch and place the necessary orders.

When you eliminate indicators and simply look at price, over time you will get a clearer view of what price is attempting to do. Now I'm not always right. But I'm tight more times than not.

My pip size per trade is in direct relation to my floating account size. For every dollar in my account I trade one unit size per trade. By taking this conservative approach I am able to have 20 open trades and only use about a third of my available leverage that's already set at a conservative 50:1.

Psychologically, having a good wide variety of trades keeps me sane. I don't scrutinize every loss. I just take them as the come. I'm more concerned with the floating profit collectively, than I am each individual trade.

If you want stress free trading, I recommend doing as I do and spread your risk throughout the Forex market.

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